And the Winner Is....
Although the name will probably get changed. I like the name Molly, Jeremy like Millie, and Emily votes for Dog Dog. Of course, a few weeks from now when I have to get up at 3 a.m. to take her outside to whiz, her new name will be goddangsonofa@$%@#$%! What have we gotten ourselves into?

Yes!! My Dog won!! Cinnamon was the only obvious choice. Did you bring her home already? How old is she? Dog Dog is a pretty good name too.
Is Emily a full fledged talker?
Can I get that dance now CINNAMON?
Hey if do rename her I vote: Lexi, Ashley, Star, or Tawny.
Dog Dog isn't such a bad name. My daughter has a toy cat that she named Dalmatian.
No porn star names Curtis!!!
P.S. I don't know how to change my settings. Ed u me cate me at Jer's email....
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